The power of light to change your world for good

Luna Teen Series

Seoul Semiconductor

Marc Juarez

Technical and Marketing Director. Seoul Semiconductor


Henrik Clausen

Head of Research, Director of Fagerhult Lighting Academy

University of Surrey logo

Professor Steven Lockley

Neuroscientist and Professor of Medicine, Bringham’s and Women’s Hospital & University of Surrey

Sleepless in NOLA

Dr Nilong Vyas

Paediatrician and Sleep Expert and Coach, Sleepless In NOLA

In-Sync Child

Joye Newman

Best-selling author, perceptual-motor specialist, the In-Sync Child Approach

In-Sync Child

Carol Kranowitz

Best-selling author, sensory-motor specialist, the In-Sync Child Approach

Sue Atkins

Sue Atkins

Broadcaster, best-selling author and BBC Parenting Expert

Brigham Young University

Professor Garrett Cardon

clinically trained audiologist (AuD) with a PhD in cognitive neuroscience, Department of Communication Disorders & Neuroscience at Brigham Young University

University of Bristol

Dr Denize Atan

Consultant Neuro-Ophthalmologist, University of Bristol

Centre Nationale de Reserche Scientifique

Professor David Hicks

Neurobiologist and Vision Scientist, Department of Neurobiology of Rhythms in Centre Nationale de Reserche Scientifique

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