This week I wanted to go ‘back to basics’. It’s not always easy to know which research to believe – and I certainly get it wrong myself. But one source I know is utterly reliable is Leukos. This wonderful conversation between Kevin Houser and Henrik Clausen of Fagerhult Lighting Academy shines a light on why he and the Leukos journal are a vital benchmark of integrity and balance. – Get a Grip Lighting episode #241 Learn from LEUKOS
This review sets out the ‘known knowns’ – and the ‘known unknowns’ about the non-image-forming system- and how the next generation of lighting can help to deliver the quality and quantity of light that we need to be healthy and happy. Editorial: Translation and Processing of Light by the Non-image Forming Visual System—Context, Mechanisms and Applications
This paper presents current understanding of the impact of lighting in a range of workplace settings, from office to intensive care and shift work. – Should We Re-think Regulations and Standards for Lighting at Workplaces? A Practice Review on
There is some debate about whether full -spectrum lighting is worth the extra money – and the slight reduction in energy efficiency. This paper shares some of the evidence that full-spectrum LED’s can have beneficial effects on visual comfort, daytime alertness, mood and sleep intensity in healthy volunteers. – Effect of daylight LED on visual comfort, melatonin, mood, waking performance and sleep
This paper looks at the ‘hardware’ – how light shapes development of the eye itself: Over 18 months, the eyes of children who had an average daily exposure to light above 1,400 lux (a cloudy day outside) showed less axial growth (lengthening of the eye that means that the light focuses in the wrong place so you need glasses) compared to those who received an average of 500 lux – standard classroom lighting or sitting a couple of meters away from the window. – Light Exposure and Eye Growth in Childhood
Light pollution is not only bad for plant and animal life – and waste an estimated 30% of electricity in sky glow – this paper explains how it stops you getting to sleep – and makes you feel sleepier during the day. – Artificial Outdoor Nighttime Lights Associate with Altered Sleep Behavior in the American General Population
I’m also super-proud to say that I’ve been invited to give a TedX talk in April – more information and to book tickets here. Get in touch if they’re sold out as I may be able to get you one 😉
With thanks for your company – please do send me a message if there are any articles or podcasts or books that you’re enjoying?