Here are five pieces of trivia for the pub quiz… Since 1953 (the last coronation)
And five things on my wish list for the next decade or so…
It’s National Space day!
And here are three ways the space station have influenced lighting technology on Earth:
Finally, I was reminded of just how remarkable our nurses are when I landed in the minor injuries unit a couple of weeks ago. Today is International Nurse’s day. I believe that every day should be Nurse’s day. Given the levels of burn-out and the struggle to find and keep these precious people, offering a decent place to work could be a great place to start.
Here are some articles: International Nurses Day, Nursing Shortage, Effect on nurse and patient experience: overnight use of blue-depleted illumination, Nurses’ Satisfaction With Patient Room Lighting Conditions: A Study of Nurses in Four Hospitals With Differences in the Environment of Care